Asian Institute of Calvin Studies
Synod Youth Council
Synod Missions Council
Synod Women Council
Presbyterian Education Council
Presbyterian Care Singapore Network
EP Missions

CWM Council Meeting 2012
To be a faithful corporate witness for Jesus Christ by mobilizing prayer, human resources and financial resources among the Presbyterian churches in Singapore to achieve an integrated and co-ordinated approach in mission as a denomination.
To form an equivalent "ASEAN" platform for our regional churches to come together regularly to champion mission endeavours.
- Build overseas missions network to provide missions opportunities for Presbyterian churches, continuity and expansion these opportunities.
- Organize Missions Consultation with the mission to provide regional missions update and challenging churches into active missions partnerships locally, regionally and globally.
- Facilitate missions partnership in the form of:
- Personnel exchanges
- Understanding missions
- Sharing of theological resources
- Training and prepare pastoral talent for churches
- Providing financial support
- Strengthen Presbyterian churches mission functions.
- Mission Board development
- Encouraging and facilitating local missions work with immigrants and migrant workers.
- Promote the Presbyterian Church in Singapore (PCS) as part of the universal church to advance God's kingdom in the world.
- Set priorities and policies to guide PCS in worldwide missions.
- Develop and maintain mutual enriching relationships with partner churches through consultation and sharing of human and material resources
- Equip and encourage involvement in missions at local, presbytery and national levels.
- Help members appreciate the worldwide nature of Christian faith.
- Regional Missions Networking
- Exchange of human resources, missionaries at denominational level
- Mission projects with regional partners
- Mission Board development
- Local mission and initiatives with migrant workers and immigrants
The Synod Missions Committee (2023-2025)
Chairman: |
Rev Phua Chee Seng |
Members: |
Rev Leow Khee Fatt
Rev Dr Chong Soh Fah
Eld Wong Foo Mun
Eld Jimmy Lim
Eld Dr Yeap Eng Hooi
Eld Susan Eng #
Eld Antonie Lee
Rev Dr Lim Choon Guan (General Secretary) *
# Synod Exco Rep; * Ex-officio
On-going Projects
- Cambodia (Khmer Presbyterian Fellowship)
- Medical missions and Prison ministry
- $7,200 annual support to three KPF Pastors
- Launch The Synod Presbyterian Church in Cambodia (SPCC)
- Cambodia Focus Group to collaborate church planting and outreach efforts in Cambodia among PCS member Churches
- China (Wuhan Lay Leadership Training Institute)
- $3,500 annual scholarship for theological studies
- India (Presbyterian Church of India and John Roberts Theological Seminary)
- $6,000 annual support for JRTS faculty
- Indonesia (Geraja Kristen Indonesia and Klaten Christian School in Jogjakarta)
- $18,200 annual support for School chaplaincy & evangelism
- Malaysia (Geraja Presbyterian Malaysia and BEM Sarawak)
- Joint mission trips to reach out to indigenous people
- Coordinate Church planting efforts in Malaysia
- $6,000 annual support for BEM Sarawak Kindergarten
- Support kindergarten teachers' allowances in Sarawak
- Myanmar (The Presbyterian Church in Myanmar - Sittwe Boarding House)
- A Report on Sittwe Boarding House (January 2021)
- Conduct vocational and discipleship training
- $3,300 annual support to Sittwe Boarding House Students outreach work
- Launch the Myanmar Focus Group to collaborate church planting and outreach efforts in Yangon among PCS member Churches
- Nepal
- Nepal Disaster Relief here
- SMC Relief Work in Nepal in May
- Love Expressed in Obedience to His Truth During Pandemic Times
- Nepal Medical camp 2018
- Timeline on God's Handiwork in Nepal
God's Handiwork in Nepal:- |
Date |
Event |
April 2015 | Major Earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, about 8,700 dead & 2.8million made homeless |
July 2015 | PCS raises $365,000 for the disaster relief work for one year till June 2016 |
27/7/2016 | Formation of Nepal Focus Group under SMC for mission work in Nepal |
2016-2017 | Rebuilding of 8 churches damaged due to the earthquake |
14/4 - 21/4/2017 | Medical Mission in Karve, Sidhupalchowk |
21/4 - 28/4/2018 | Medical Mission in Kutsi Sineri, Makwanpur |
1/3 - 9/3/2019 | Medical Mission in Nuwakot, Dhading |
26/4 - 29/4/2019 | Nepal Exploration Trip by SMC |
18/11 - 22/11/2019 | Pastoral Retreat in Kathmandu for 50 pastors/elders & lay leaders |
2019 - 2022 | Providence of basic necessities like rice, flour, oil, masks & sanitizers to the poor & needy in Kathmandu during Covid 19 locked down |
1/10/2021 | An MOU was signed between SMC & local Nepalese Pastor Timothy to appoint the latter to be our mission enabler in Nepal for two years |
21/11 - 25/11/2022 | Creative Bible Exposition training for 40 pastors/elders & laying leaders in Kathmandu so that they are equipped to preach & teach the Bible |
19/3 - 24/3/2023 | Creative Bible Exposition training for 20 pastors in Kathmandu |
20/11 to 27/11/2023 | Spiritual Retreat with 40 plus pastors/elders/leaders at Ratnagari Resort Nagarkot, Kathmandu with 9 mission trippers from SLC/SMC |
12/4 to 20/4/2024 | Medical Mission at Chittwan, Kathmandu in two villages with 20 trippers from ASPC, GPC, KPC & PSPC |
- Vietnam (The Presbyterian Church in Vietnam - Thanh My in Lam Dong province & Ho Chi Minh City)
- Support students outreach
- Conduct training for pastors
- Wales (The Presbyterian Church in Wales)
- Support missionary and Missions enabler Rev. Charles Chua
How to support Synod Missions
- Give thanks to God and pray with us.
- Adopt a country which the Synod Missions is in active partnership with.
- Participate in specific projects with our partners.
- Extend help to fellow Presbyterians in the region and work with the Synod Missions Committee.
Missions Partners
- Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia (GPM)
- Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT)
- Presbyterian Church in Myanmar (PCM)
- Presbyterian Church in Wales (PCW)
- Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly, JRTS (KJPA or PCI)
- Sinode Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI)
- Presbyterian Church in Vietnam (PCVn)
- Wuhan Theological Seminary
- Khmer Presbyterian Fellowship (KPF)
- Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China (HKCCCC)
- Singapore Centre for Global Missions
- Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT)
Pray for us
- Pray for unity of our Churches to partner for greater missions endeavours.
- Pray for every Missions Chairperson and Committee member - wisdom, faith and strategies for local and overseas outreach.
- Pray for the Synod Missions Committee - wisdom and insights to break new grounds for missions.
- Pray for more workers and resources to be raised to build God's Kingdom through missions.
Latest Activities
In March 2015, five Cambodian pastors came to Singapore for a 2 weeks attachment with us. View more information here.
More information
Contact our Synod Missions Executive:
The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, 132 Sophia Road, Singapore 288186
Phone: Office: 6338-7268
Download Synod Mission Brochure here.